Why does smoke coming out of fire always go up?

Why does smoke coming out of fire always go up?

Why does smoke coming out of fire always go up?
Why does smoke coming out of fire always go up?

Everything here on earth is bound to the earth itself due to the presence of gravity. So nothing can escape the earth's surface without any force that can counter force of gravity. So the result is this that everything remains glued to the surface of the earth due to invisible glue called Gravity. But you have probably wondered over the smoke coming out the of fire as it seems to go up in the sky. It seems that if the force of gravity has no influence on this smoke. But how can this be possible as gravity influence each and everything that has mass, even if it may have very little mass. So you may have questioned how then smoke overcome this force of gravity.
Why does smoke coming out of fire always go up?
Why does smoke coming out of fire always go up?

Now you know that smoke doesn't exist without fire. So where there is fire there is smoke and vice versa. Now the fire has heat energy and fire transfer this heat energy to smoke too. Now attaining this heat energy, smoke tries to rise up overcoming gravity. Thus smoke defies the force of gravity due to the presence of this heat energy.

ALSO, READ THIS - Where does gravity come from?

Thus now you have understood why smoke always rises up. In simple terms, we can say that smoke rises up and defy gravity because it is hot and we can conclude that hot smoke or air always rises up.
Why does smoke coming out of fire always go up?
Why does smoke coming out of fire always go up?

Ventilators and exhaust fans are installed near the top of the wall in rooms and kitchen to extinguish hot air out of the room as hot air always goes up.

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