What is the big bang theory?

What is the big bang theory?

What is the big bang theory?
What is the big bang theory?

Do you ever wonder how this whole universe came into existence? Was it created by some external creator or it just appeared at once as it is today? If you have seriously asked these questions from yourself then stop asking it any more because in this article you will get answers to all your questions or doubts related to the birth of the universe.
What is the big bang theory?

There are many theories regarding the birth of the universe but one that is most famous and widely accepted is BIG BANG THEORY. According to this theory, the universe has a beginning and at the same instant time too came into existence. So there was nothing before big bang even concept of time to starts with the big bang itself. 
Our universe has been created from a singularity. Now let me explain this term 'singularity'.A singularity is a place of infinite mass and energy. It is considered to be a very very small point with huge mass or energy, thus it is the extremely dense point. So, in the beggining, our universe as we see it today was too just densely packed like singularity and after then due to some unknown forces, it started to expand.
What is the big bang theory?
What is the big bang theory?

But here i don't want to make you misunderstood about the term expand. The point is this that the universe didn't expand like general things expand here on earth. It is not this way that the matter of this bang expanded but it was the space that actually expanded.T here was no space before the big bang, as space itself was created out of a big bang. And it was the space that expanded during the big bang and thus matters present in it. Now after expanding, matter starts cooling and it started to form galaxies and stars. Thus all these galaxies, stars, planets and other things came into existence.
What is the big bang theory?
What is the big bang theory?

But did that expansion in space stop or is it expanding till today? The answer is this that it is expanding even today and for your surprise, it is expanding faster and faster as it expands further. The speed of expansion between any two galaxies is directly proportional to the distance between them. Thus we can say that our universe is accelerating. And when I say that space is expanding then that means that every space between me, you or earth to is expanding. But it is negligible to notice over such a short duration of time. 
It was Edwin Hubble who for the first time in 1929 discovered that the universe is not only expanding but is accelerating. Thus this expansion of the universe is called Hubble's Law. newicon
Do you know that a year on Venus is shorter than a day on Venus. It is due to its very slow rotation around its own axis. Thus it takes more time to rotate Venus on its own axis than to rotate around the Sun.

Thanks for reading our post What is the big bang theory? Hope you gain your knowledge about this topic and you learn an interesting topic about the science facts.
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