Myth or Truth: Is there any safe limit of consuming Alcohol?

Myth or Truth: Is there any safe limit of consuming Alcohol?

You may have heard saying " one or two drink a day is good for your health". And you have probably also seen charts of the level of safe alcohol limit Vs age of the person. But for your wonder there is no such limit as any amount of alcohol, however small it may be is harmful to your health.

According to a research survey done from 1990 to 2016 in 195 countries and is the biggest such survey, there is no safe limit to the consumption of alcohol. The survey concluded that even if a person is taking a little amount of alcohol, it is causing some harms to his or her health. So this study does not back the old myth that there is a safe limit of alcohol consumption.

There are many different health issues related to alcohol consumption. And these harmful effects depend upon the BAC i.e. Blood Alcohol Content. If BAC is low then there is less severe effect and if BAC is high, then very severe health issue may prevail. If BAC is too high, it may cause death. Actually, BAC in simple terms measures the amount of alcohol present in the blood. Thus if one consumes a huge amount of alcohol there would be more alcohol in blood than haemoglobin and this condition is fatal.

There are many organs like brain, heart, liver and kidney that are badly affected by alcohol. So even if one is taking a little amount of alcohol, it is destroying these vital organs slowly but surely. So if you are health conscious then stop taking any alcohol and live a peaceful and healthy life.newicon
According to a study in 2016, almost 7% of male and 2.2 % of female die from consuming alcohol.

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